Should People Just Use Goreleaser Instead of `actions-rust-release`?

I’m cross-posting this from an issue I made for actions-rust-release. For context, I am the action’s author, and this is a serious question, not the start of a pitch for why you should use my action. TLDR; Does actions-rust-release serve any purpose that isn’t better served by goreleaser? Here’s the issue body in full: Recently, I was considering adding some features to this action, notably adding the ability to produce signed releases (specifically, signing the checksums file).

My actions-rust-cross Action Now Has Built-In Caching

I just released v1.0.0 Beta 1 of my actions-rust-cross GitHub Action. The big headline feature in this release is integration with the Swatinem/rust-cache action. This will include the target you provide to actions-rust-cross as part of the cache key, which from my testing means that it only caches the compilation output relevant to the target platform. The Swatinem/rust-cache action caches compiled dependencies, so how helpful this will be for your project depends on how much time it spends compiling dependencies versus the project itself.

My New GitHub Action for Releasing Rust Projects

A while back I created a new GitHub Action for releasing Rust projects which produce binary releases (as opposed to crates). This works nicely with my Rust Cross Action to let me automate away most of the toil from releasing new versions of my Rust CLI tools like precious, ubi, and omegasort. Using it is pretty simple and can be done in one step: 1 2 3 4 5 - name: Publish artifacts and release uses: houseabsolute/actions-rust-release@v0 with: executable-name: ubi target: x86_64-unknown-linux-musl For a longer example, see how I use this action and my Rust Cross Action to build, test, and release ubi.

My Team at MongoDB Has 3 Senior Dev Openings

My team at MongoDB is three Senior Engineers. For these positions you can be 100% remote in the US or Canada or you can choose to work from one our offices. Our schedule is based around our NYC office on the east coast, so if you’re on the west coast your hours would need to account for that. My team primarily works on MongoDB’s Cluster-to-Cluster Sync product. It’s an interesting and challenging product to work on.

Short Reviews of the Anime I've Watched in Taiwan

I’ve been living in Taiwan since December 20 of last year and I’ll return on June 29. There’s a lot of things I enjoy about living here, and one of them is that the content on Netflix here is quite different. In particular, there’s a lot of anime available that’s only available through Crunchyroll1 in the US. I also have had more free time here, so I’ve ended up watching a lot of anime, both with my wife and by myself.

Eating Vegan in Taiwan

This is a post on finding vegan food in Taiwan, with some context on the history of vegetarian food here. It’s not a list of vegan restaurants. Instead, it’s a meta-post about navigating Taiwan as a vegan. About Me I’ve been vegan since late 1996, so over 27 years at the time of this post (December, 2023). I’m currently starting my eleventh visit to Taiwan since 2000, and I’ve spent about 9 months here total across those visits.

Naming Your Binary Executable Releases

My universal binary installer tool, ubi, has to deal with a lot of “interesting” decisions when it comes to how people name their releases on GitHub. So in the interests of making the world of binary executable releases more machine-readable and a little less weird1, here are my recommendations on naming your release files. The TLDR is: Either use an extension or don’t include periods in the filename. Use well-known operating system and CPU architecture names as part of the filename.

Come (Maybe) Be the Boss of Me

When I started at MongoDB in May of 2022 I was the fourth person on my team. Since then, we’ve hired six more engineers, bringing us to a total of 10 people. That’s a big team! That’s why we are hiring for a new Team Lead, so that we can split into two teams. I’m not sure which team I’ll end up on, but this is your chance to maybe be my new boss!

Sleep No More Is My New Favorite Videogame

Last Saturday my wife and I saw Sleep No More in New York City. It’s a mostly silent film noir style adaptation of Macbeth as a play/dance piece. There are no seats. Instead you follow the performers around the space, which is four floors of a converted hotel. You can walk through nearly all of the sets in full, and you can more or less go where you want. You don’t even have to follow any performers at all if you don’t want to.

Cross Compiling Rust Projects in GitHub Actions

The highlight of all this is my brand new GitHub Action for cross-compiling Rust projects. The rest of the post is about why and how I wrote it. I was recently working on the CI setup for my ubi project with a couple goals. First, I wanted to stop using unmaintained actions from the actions-rs organization. Second, I wanted to add many more release targets for different platforms and architectures1.