I’d like to offer my Intro to Moose class at the Pittsburgh Perl Workshop this coming October, but we’re not sure if there’s enough interest to justify it. If you think you’d like to take the class, please put your name on the Moose Class wiki page for PPW. This isn’t a binding commitment, but don’t sign up just cause you’re vaguely considering it. Some recent feedback about the class …
I thought Dave’s class was outstanding. Well prepared and highly valuable content. - Chris Fedde
It damn sure was a good use! It would’ve been a huge mistake not taking your class; Moose is a magnificent beast and I couldn’t have picked a better primer. - Brian Fraser
The class was great. There was a nice balance of material presented to hands-on experimentation, and alternating between lecture and exercises helped nail down concepts. - Philip Monsen
If I can get a minimum of 6 people signed up for $150 each I can justify doing this.