Writing a Postgres SQL Pretty Printer in Rust: Part 1

This is the first of a planned series of blog posts about my pg-pretty project. I’ll cover some things I’ve learned about Rust and Postgres SQL, as well as some things I still don’t know.

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I really, really, really, really cannot stand unformatted code, or a mishmash of code styles throughout a codebase. But at the same time, rejecting PRs from other developers at $WORK just because of code formatting is not okay. Making them manually fiddle with formatting is not a good use of their time (or mine).

This is why we have linters, tidiers, and meta code quality tools like my precious.

Combine these with a commit hook and CI checks for code cleanliness, and I never have to reject a PR for formatting. Instead, it gets auto-“rejected” by git commit or CI, and I’m off the hook.

And besides the value of not annoying me, there is also value to enforcing code formatting rules throughout a large codebase. Consistency eliminates a potential distraction, because every Go, Perl, or Python file in the codebase will look like every other Go, Perl, or Python file.

SQL is code, so it sure would be nice to do the same thing there, but I can’t. There are a few SQL pretty printing tools that I’ve found, but none of them handle Postgres-specific idioms.

So of course I should write one!

And I should write one in Rust! Of course?1

Rust turned out to be a great fit for this project. More on that in a future post. 

Where to Start?

Writing a Postgres SQL parser from scratch would be quite painful2

That’s an understatement. It would be a mammoth project of its own. 

. Fortunately, a lot of the hard lower level work has already been done.

At the very lowest level we have libpg_query, created by Lukas Fittl. This is a project to rip the parser out of the Postgres source tree and turn it into a C library. It’s a shame that the Postgres source is not already organized this way. But I imagine that the parser started off as an integral part of the Postgres codebase, and by the time anyone thought of extracting it, it was more work than anyone wanted to take on.

The next step is to create a Rust wrapper around this C library. Luckily that was already done too. I’m using libpg_query-sys, which is a bare bones wrapper around the C library. It exposes the same types and functions as the C library, but in Rust.

From C to Rust

These underlying tools work by parsing a string containing Postgres SQL and returning a string containing JSON. That JSON represents the AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) of the parsed SQL.

But to actually do anything with that AST, you want native Rust structs, not a giant JSON blob.

And that’s where my work started.

The libpg_query source has a handy directory containing JSON files describing various parts of the AST. For example, the nodestypes.json file defines all of the possible nodes. Many parts of the AST reference the Node type, which is basically “any valid bit of SQL”.

But the most important file is struct_defs.json. This file defines all the data structures we might care about, providing the name, fields, and field types for each struct.

Rust is a statically typed language, so we can’t just parse this stuff at runtime and generate structs in memory. Instead, we need codegen. And since these struct definitions reference C types, we need to translate this all into Rust!

Generating Rust

Enter my totally not-a-hacked-up-mess json-to-parser.pl script.

For each C struct that we care about we generate a corresponding Rust struct3

I figured out what to care about by a combination of trial and error and experimentation. The struct_defs.json file organizes structs based on what files they’re defined in. I was able to determine that (so far) I only care about types from a small subset of these files. 

. This mostly means translating from C types to Rust types. To make things extra fun, I try to make the types more specific wherever I can. There are a number of places where the C struct just uses Node*, but in reality only a limited subset of nodes are valid.

I’ve figured this out a couple ways. Sometimes, the comment for the field (which is in the struct_defs.json file) actually tells me. For example, many comments include the text “list of Value strings”, which means it’s a list of strings. For whatever reason, the Postgres C code just uses List* (an array of Node*) here instead of String*4

Probably because if you’re writing the parser and the thing that consumes it at the same time, you can write code that knows that it’s only a String. Also, C doesn’t have Rust’s exhaustive pattern matching, so you’re not forced to deal with all possible Node types. 


As an aside, I turn all the comments in the struct_defs.json file into Rust documentation comments in the generated code, which has been quite helpful. This lets me read the generated AST code and get a pretty good understanding of what each struct and field contains.

But in Rust, we really want to know what our possible types are. That’s because I’m using Rust’s enum-based pattern matching. The Node enum has over 100 variants. That’s a lot of matching!

I also need to generate enum wrappers around many structs. Any time a struct references another struct, I need the wrapper indirection. So for example, here’s a little bit of the DeleteStmt struct:

#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq)]
pub struct DeleteStmt {
    // relation to delete from
    pub relation: RangeVarWrapper, // RangeVar*
    // ... more fields ...

The relation field is going to contain a RangeVarWrapper, which is a one-variant enum that looks like this:

#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq)]
pub enum RangeVarWrapper {

Why the Wrapper?

The wrappers are annoying, and I’d like to get rid of them, but I can’t figure out how!

Let’s take a very simple DELETE statement and parse it:


The parser gives us this (with some outer bits removed for simplicity):

  "DeleteStmt": {
    "relation": {
      "RangeVar": {
        "inh": true,
        "location": 12,
        "relname": "films",
        "relpersistence": "p"

There’s a lot to look at there, so let’s zoom in on one part:

  "DeleteStmt": {
    "relation": {
      "RangeVar": {...}

We need to deserialize this into a Rust struct. For deserialization in Rust I’m using serde, which is a powerful Rust framework for deserialization that supports many data formats, including JSON.

The particular structure of the JSON above corresponds to what the serde docs call “the externally tagged enum representation”. In this format, the “tags” such as DeleteStmt and RangeVar are used to indicate which enum variant to deserialize to. A variant of what? Well, that’s the problem.

As far as I can tell, the only way to make this work is to make an enum wrapper for every single struct which might be contained in any other struct. So for the RangeVar struct I need this wrapper:

#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq)]
pub enum RangeVarWrapper {

And then when I’m working with the delete statement, I need to pattern match RangeVar struct out of the DeleteStmt:

fn format_delete_stmt(&mut self, d: &DeleteStmt) -> R {
    let RangeVarWrapper::RangeVar(r) = &d.relation;
    // .. do something with the RangeVar in r

I really don’t like this pattern, but from my reading so far I haven’t seen a simple way to eliminate it. I think the only way to do this would be to provide custom serde deserialization logic for every struct which contains another struct.

This is absolutely possible, but I’ve avoided this so far in order to focus on other aspects of the project. But I want to come back to this in the future, because these wrappers require a lot of extra pattern matching in the formatter code.

So …

So that’s why I need a Perl script to generate Rust code, though I can think of at least a couple other approaches.

One would be to rewrite the Perl in Rust. That would work, but the Perl script is already fast. The naive Rust approach would probably be slower, since I would have to re-compile the Rust generator code every time I changed it, though I could ameliorate that by moving some data to config files. But Perl is a great language for reading JSON and generating code.

Another, almost certainly terrible option, would be to write one or more macros that could read the JSON source data and generate the Rust code directly. I’m fairly sure this is possible with procedural macros. A procedural macro looks like a function call or an attribute when you use it. The implementation is just regular Rust code that takes either its “function” arguments as input, or the thing that they are an attribute of (a type, struct field, etc.). Either way, the macro implementation returns a new AST of Rust code that is effectively inlined in place of the macro.

Procedural macros are incredibly powerful, and I wrote one to change how bitflags are serialized so that serde expects these flags to be integers during deserialization, rather than expecting a JSON object like { "bits": 42 } later realized that serde already did what I needed, so I didn’t need to write that wrapper. The bitflags crate itself is a proc macro, so it’s macros all the way down.

But a procedural macro that parses arbitrary JSON files to generate Rust code seems a bit gross5

More than a bit. Really, really gross. 

. And right now I find myself constantly referring to the generated SQL AST structs. Having those available as regular Rust code that I can examine in my editor is very helpful.

Can You Try it Out?

Err, sort of. If you want to give it a whirl you can clone the repo, then edit the contents of cli/src/main.rs, which has some SQL to be formatted in it. But I haven’t actually built a proper CLI for it yet. I’ve just been focused on the core formatting implementation, which I exercise through its test suite.

Coming Soon

This post is already quite long, but there are many other things I’ve learned while working on this project that I plan to write about, including:

  • Diving into the Postgres grammar to understand the AST.
  • How I’m approaching tests for this project, and how I generate test cases from the Postgres documentation.
  • The benefits of Rust pattern-matching for working with ASTs.
  • How terrible my solution to generating SQL in the pretty printer is, and how I wonder if there’s a better way to do this.
  • How the proc macro in the bitflags_serde_int crate works6

    Edit 2021-04-24: Nope, not gonna write about this. It turns out I was reimplementing the already existing #[serde(transparent)] feature. 

  • Who knows what else?

  1. Rust turned out to be a great fit for this project. More on that in a future post. ↩︎

  2. That’s an understatement. It would be a mammoth project of its own. ↩︎

  3. I figured out what to care about by a combination of trial and error and experimentation. The struct_defs.json file organizes structs based on what files they’re defined in. I was able to determine that (so far) I only care about types from a small subset of these files. ↩︎

  4. Probably because if you’re writing the parser and the thing that consumes it at the same time, you can write code that knows that it’s only a String. Also, C doesn’t have Rust’s exhaustive pattern matching, so you’re not forced to deal with all possible Node types. ↩︎

  5. More than a bit. Really, really gross. ↩︎

  6. Edit 2021-04-24: Nope, not gonna write about this. It turns out I was reimplementing the already existing #[serde(transparent)] feature. ↩︎