Edit: In the discussion on /r/programming a comment from /u/nik9000 pointed me at what I think is the best solution.
GitHub has a feature where the PR submitter can allow me to push directly to their fork. This means I can effectively edit their PR directly by checking it out and force pushing back to their fork of the repo! Apparently this has existed for a while but I didn’t notice it.
Thanks again to /u/nik9000 for pointing this out.
So I made a new saved reply on GitHub that I will use for all future PRs I receive. Here’s the content:
I’ve received a lot of pull requests over the years. But recently, I’ve been thinking about whether I merge them the right way.
When I wrote my my GitHub profile generator, one of the stats I had it generate was how many of my pull requests were merged. My profile currently says I’ve created 562 PRs, of which 4201 have been merged.
But in fact more than 420 have been merged in some form. It’s just that for some of them, the maintainer fiddled a bit with the submission and merged it locally via the CLI, then closed the PR.
My precious stats!
The issue is that I always do this for PRs submitted to me. I’m incredibly picky about the code in my personal projects, so it’s nearly impossible to submit a PR that I will merge as-is. Things I typically edit in PRs include:
- Names of everything.
- Code nits like when to include optional parentheses, exactly what operators to use when there are multiple options, and every other possible thing you can think of.2
- Adding documentation for API changes/additions (people mostly forget to do this).
- Comments, including the word wrapping of comments (I like the way Emacs does it when I hit
). - Commit messages themselves. I like a very specific format, more or less following Chris Beams’s recommendations, except I’m okay with longer subjects.
- Making sure the commits are organized well. I hate commits like “fix typo in last commit”. Just edit the previous commit!
- Making sure commits that make public-facing changes also update the Changes file.
I could instead put the PR submitter through the wringer to do all this, but I’d rather not. The only way to get someone else to submit something that’s exactly what I want would be to try to operate them as a puppet via PR comments. That would be exhausting for me and infuriating for them.
So instead what I typically do is check out the PR as a local branch with the
GitHub CLI tool (gh pr checkout 42
), fiddle with their commit(s), make
sure CI passes, and then merge it locally. This preserves their name as a committer in the git
history, so they get some credit. It’s bit weird, however, since the code with their name on it may
be fairly different from what they submitted.
And they won’t get Internet points for the PR being merged. Hell, GitHub gives you achievements for this stuff! So I’m sure some folks would really prefer to have a proper PR merged.
One option I could offer would be to take their original PR, edit it, push it back to my repo as a new branch, then have them submit that branch as a PR. I would be open to doing this if someone really cared about getting that “PR merged” stat up.
So what do you think? If enough people told me they wanted this I would start offering that when people submit a PR. Or maybe there’s another approach I haven’t though of?3 You can email me or discuss this on /r/programming.