My employer MaxMind is hiring for two engineering positions. We have a positions for a Software Engineer in Test and a Software Engineer. If you’ve always wanted to work with me, here’s your chance. If you’ve always wanted to avoid working with me, now you have the knowledge needed to achieve that goal. It’s a win-win either way!
Note that while this is a remote position, we’re pretty limited in what US states we can hire from (Massachusetts, Minnesota, Montana, North Carolina, and Oregon).
Making DateTime Faster and Slower
I recently released a new parameter validation module tentatively called Params::CheckCompiler (aka PCC, better name suggestions welcome) (Edit: Now renamed to Params::ValidationCompiler). Unlike Params::Validate (aka PV), this new module generates a highly optimized type checking subroutine for a given set of parameters. If you use a type system capable of generating inlined code, this can be quite fast. Note that all of the type systems supported by PCC allow inlining (Moose, Type::Tiny, and Specio).
Moose Training at YAPC 2016, It’s Not Too Late
It’s not too late to sign up for my Introduction to Moose class at YAPC::NA 2016. This year’s class will take place on Thursday, June 23. I’m excited to be doing this course again. It’s gotten great reviews from past students. Sign up today.
There are lots of other great courses. For the first time ever, I’m also going to be a student. I’m looking forward to attending Damian Conway’s Presentation Aikido course on Friday, June 24.
Introduction to Moose at YAPC::NA 2016
My Introduction to Moose class is back at YAPC::NA 2016. This year’s class will take place on Thursday, June 23. I’m excited to be doing this course again. It’s gotten great reviews from past students. Sign up today.
And of course, there are tons of other great offerings this year too, including several from the legendary Damian Conway! I already signed up for his Presentation Aikido course on Friday, June 24.
Tech Interviewer Theory
What sort of things can you learn when interviewing someone for a technical position? What questions are useful?
This is a much-discussed and sometimes hotly debated topic in the tech world. I’ve done a fair bit of interviewing for my employer over the past few years. We’ve built an excellent technical team, either because or in spite of the interviews I’ve done.
Here’s my unsubstantiated theory about interviews and what they’re good for.
Using Test2 to (Re-)Implement Test::Class::Moose
I’ve been on vacation for the past week, and I decided to take a look at using Test2 to reimplement the core of Test::Class::Moose.
Test::Class::Moose (TCM) lets you write tests in the form of Moose classes. Your classes are constructed and run by the TCM test runner. For each class, we constructor instances of the class and then run the test_* methods provided by that instance. We run the class itself in a subtest, as well as each method.
Please Test the DateTime 1.22 Trial Release
The 1.22 trial release includes some small backwards incompatible changes in how DateTime->from_epoch handles floating point epoch values. Basically, these values are now rounded to the nearest microsecond (millionth of a second). This release also fixes a straight up bug with the handling of negative floating point epochs where such values were incremented by a full second.
I’ve tested many downstream DateTime dependencies in the DateTime::* namespace. The only thing that broke was DateTime::Format::Strptime, for which I will release a backwards compatible fix shortly.
Hacking on Perl 6 (Rakudo and Roast)
I found a bug in Perl 6 recently. Really I independently discovered one that was already reported.
Here’s how to trigger it:
1 2 3 $ perl6 -e 'say <2147483648/3>' ===SORRY!=== Cannot find method 'compile_time_value' Any numerator of 231 or greater causes that error. Note that Perl 6 is perfectly happy to represent rationals of that size or larger:
1 2 $ perl6 -e 'say, 3)' 715827882.666667 So the problem was clearly somewhere in the compiler.
Minnesota Perl Mongers Meeting on January 26
I should’ve posted this earlier, but better late than never. We’re having the first MPM meeting in many years on Tuesday, January 26. Please see the meetup event for details. I’ll be speaking about Perl 6 and Arthur Goldstein will be giving a short intro-level presentation on Perl 5.
My Perl 5 Advent Calendar Article
My article on Stepford for the Perl 5 advent calendar is now live. Maybe I can write an article on Perl 4 or Perl 7 for the trifecta?
Stepford is a tool we wrote at MaxMind, Inc. to help automate our database build process. It’s like make but in Perl, and instead of writing a set of rules, you write a set of step classes and it puts them all together.