Please Test Params::Validate 1.14

I’ve just released a new version of Params::Validate that allows validation callbacks to die in order to provide a custom error message or exception object. This was a long-needed feature, and will enable me to make Moose::Params::Validate support the error messages provided by type objects, which has also been long-needed. However, I’m a little nervous about any changes to Params::Validate, since it’s used a rather large chunk of CPAN. It has c.

MaxMind is Hiring

We’ve actually been trying to hire someone for a while, but there was some question about what states we can hire from. First of all, we’re hiring a Senior Software Engineer. This involves a lot of Perl, some Go, and the possibility of C and other languages from time to time. This is mostly backend work, building web services at an ever growing scale. We’re accepting applications for this position from all US states and Canada.

The definition of irony?

autarch@houseabsolute:~/projects/DateTime-TimeZone (master $>)$ dzil release [DZ] beginning to build DateTime-TimeZone Cannot determine local time zone

How Should Log::Dispatch 3.0 Work?

I’ve been playing with the idea of making a new version of Log::Dispatch that breaks some things. There are a few changes I’d like to make … First, I want to trim back the core distro to only include a few outputs. This would just be those outputs which are truly cross-platform and don’t require extra dependencies. Right now that would be the Code, File, Handle, Null, and Screen outputs. I might also borg rjbs’s Log::Dispatch::Array, since it’s so darn useful for testing.

Isn’t Email Great?

Apparently my post on Perl 5’s overloading is deeply, deeply offensive. Here’s an email I got out of the blue today: Perl isn’t your first language isn’t it? You strike me as Java programmer. Look. Don’t do overloading. If you need to do overloading then you are probably doing something wrong. “If you don’t care about defensive programming, then Perl 5′s overloading is perfect, and you can stop reading now. Also, please let me know so I can avoid working on code with you, thanks.

On Writing Emails (and Not Sending Them)

I suspect I’m not the only person who does this. I start writing an email because I’m angry/annoyed/outraged/indignant. I write the whole thing. I sign it. I look at it. Then I discard it. There’s something therapeutic about this. I get all of the benefits of venting without actually escalating a conflict. I wonder if there’s a market for an email client app or plugin that helps with this? “While you wrote this email your writing speed was 20% faster than your standard writing speed.

Please Try the Latest Test::Class::Moose

I’ve been doing a lot of work on Test::Class::Moose recently and I’ve released a trial distro with my changes. The highlights in this release are: Support for parameterized test classes - instantiate a class more than once with different parameters Separated the test runner from Test::Class::Moose itself - there is now a new Test::Class::Moose::Runner class so your test classes themselves are not also runners Integrated the parallel runner code into this new runner so you can just pass jobs => 2 to the Runner class and get parallel testing These changes are (obviously) backwards incompatible so Ovid and I would love to get your feedback on these changes before enshrining them in a stable release.

Introduction to Moose Class at YAPC::NA 2014

The sign up for classes at this year’s YAPC is a little different than before. You sign up by pledging to a crowdfunding campaign on Crowdtilt. If enough people pledge then the class will happen (and you will be charged). So if you’re interested in taking my Introduction to Moose class, please sign up now! This class is a one day, interactive introduction to Moose. The class will take place on Sunday, June 22, the day before the conference proper begins.

Free Software Sunday

I’ve been in Taiwan for about four weeks now. Most of the time I was working remotely (more remotely than usual), but for the last few days I’ve been on a real vacation in Taipei. I’ve had time to kill while my wife talks to her relatives (my Mandarin is not good enough for extended conversations) so I’ve been trying to work through my all too large rt.cpan and GH PR backlogs.