Want to Work at MaxMind?

The company I work at has posted a new job opening for a senior developer. So if you’ve always wanted to work at a job with me (for some bizarre reason) now’s your chance. Alternatively, consider yourself warned. Ok, here’s some real info about the position. You’d be a senior developer on a small tech team (me as team lead, two other devs, one sysadmin/dev, one CEO who needs to code less).

A World Without Copyright

In discussions on Hacker News I’ve said several times that I think copyright should be abolished. Some people agree, but I often get a reply asking how I expect programmers, musicians, or authors to make a living in such a world. Before I address that question, I’ll take a brief digression. While I’m all for abolishing copyright, that doesn’t mean I’m against all property rights. Physical property rights are a good thing.

No More Categories

I’ve removed the per-category Atom feeds from the sidebar, and I’m going to stop categorizing new entries. There are a couple reasons. First, the three categories are somewhat limiting. My next entry will not fall strictly into the AR-Veg, Personal, or Programming categories. Second, the vast majority of my entries are about programming, and that will probably continue to be true. I realized that most anything I’d categorize as Personal is either trivial or something I don’t want to share on a blog.

New Type Constraint Module for Perl

I recently uploaded a new distro to CPAN recently called Type. The concepts are largely on Moose’s built-in type system, but it’s a standalone distribution. Right now this is all very alpha, and the current release is not intended for use by anyone. I’ve released so people can take a look at critique the design. I’ve tried to remedy some of the problems that Moose’s type system has. MooseX::Types fixes some of these problems but then introduces its own.

Rules of Optimization

For that coworker who won’t stop “optimizing” his or her code, I give you my rules of optimization: Don’t optimize Don’t optimize, I’m serious Don’t optimize without benchmarking first Don’t benchmark without profiling first See rule #1 Edit: A co-worker suggested a step 4.5 of “Take a coffee break”. I don’t like coffee, but I like the spirit of the suggestion. Comments Chas. Owens, on 2012-04-26 07:43, said: Shouldn’t profiling be before benchmarking?


At work we have some git repos that were converted from CVS originally created back in 2002 or so. A lot of the things in these repos is cruft and could be deleted. I wrote a little git command to report the most recent commit date for each thing in the current directory. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 #!

My LWN Article on the Perl 5 Release Process

I wrote an article for LWN (Linux Weekly News) about the Perl 5 release process a couple weeks back. It was originally behind a paywall but it’s now readable by anyone. Another article I wrote will be published later today. I’ll post a link here once it’s out from behind the paywall. Please consider subscribing to LWN if you like this sort of thing, of course.

Are Perl 5 Committers Increasing?

I feel that Perl 5 activity has increased over the past few years, but is that an illusion? I brought this topic up on the #p5p IRC channel and Nicholas Clark said, “everyone assumes growth. If you look at the ‘committers’ graph on https://www.ohloh.net/p/perl/analyses/latest I don’t think there’s been any marked growth (or reduction) in the past 10 years. Just a lot of noise”. So is he right? I wanted to figure it out.


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