I just released version 0.4.0 of precious, my code quality meta-tool for configuring a collection of linters and tidiers for a project.
The headline change for this release is that command invocation configuration has changed, with the old run_mode and chdir keys being deprecated. Don’t worry, you can safely upgrade to this release, as the old config keys still work and do not cause precious to emit any warning yet1.
My Team at MongoDB is Hiring
My team at MongoDB is hiring a senior engineer. For this position you can be 100% remote or you can choose to work from one our offices.
I’ve been at MongoDB since May of this year and so far it’s been great. If you have questions about the position, the team, or working at MongoDB, please reach out.
Fixing Some Bugs in My GitHub Profile Generator
A while back I was looking at the output from my GitHub profile generator and it seemed off. In particular, the language stats seemed off. The generator sums up how many bytes of code I’ve written for each language. and then calculates what percentage of my total output that represents.
Here’s what it showed, more or less:
Past Two Years All Time Perl: 76%, 9.5 MB Perl: 77%, 11.3 MB Rust: 21%, 2.
What's the Right Way to Merge a Pull Request?
Edit: In the discussion on /r/programming a comment from /u/nik9000 pointed me at what I think is the best solution.
GitHub has a feature where the PR submitter can allow me to push directly to their fork. This means I can effectively edit their PR directly by checking it out and force pushing back to their fork of the repo! Apparently this has existed for a while but I didn’t notice it.
My Perl and Raku Conference 2022 Write-Up
I went to The Perl and Raku Conference 2022 in Houston from June 22-24. Here’s my write-up.
Again, I’d like to thank my employer, MongoDB, for paying for my flight and hotel during the conference. We’re hiring for a variety of engineering positions, with many remote options. Contact me if you have any questions about the company or positions, and I’ll see what I can do to find out more.
Job Search 2022 Update: Postscript
I’ve been at MongoDB for six weeks now and it’s been great. BTW, we’re hiring and we have a lot of remote engineering positions1. Please email me if you have questions about working at MongoDB or about specific positions2.
But that’s not why I’m writing this post. No, I’m writing because apparently my job search wasn’t quite done.
Today. Today! TODAY! I got an email from GitHub saying that the position I applied for had been filled:
Restoring Window Positions in GNOME After Switching Monitor Inputs
I suspect that this title makes no sense to most people, so here’s the background.
Like most normal people, I have four1 computers in my office. I used to have three, but that was shameful, so I was very relieved to get a new laptop for my new job at MongoDB.
A while back, I bought a USB switching device with a remote. This eliminated the need to physically switch my USB hub’s cable from one computer to another.
Software Job Search 2022 Retrospective: Coding Challenges
I did a lot of coding and design challenges during my recent job search! A lot a lot. And I have some thoughts about them.
Want to read all about my job search? Here’s a list of past posts:
Week 1 Week 1.1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 The Last One I mostly have thoughts about the coding challenges. The design challenges were pretty much what you’d expect.
Job Search 2022 Update: The Last One
Assuming nothing unexpected and unhappy happens, this will be my final Job Search 2022 update. I accepted the offer from MongoDB and I start in a few weeks! Thanks again to David Golden for reaching out to me about MongoDB way back in early March.
Ultimately, my thinking came down to a decision between startups and public companies. I realized that given my age and my early retirement goal, I can best achieve that goal by focusing on higher total compensation that’s more secure1, rather than going for another startup lottery ticket.
Job Search 2022 Update: Week 5
It’s week 5 and my brain is tired. Fortunately, I think I’m near the end. My current plan is to decide by Friday, April 15. I suspect that some of the companies I’m talking to won’t be in a position to make an offer then, but I already have some good offers, I want to finish this process, and there’s a limit to how long I can ask people to wait for me to decide.