A problem of multi-issue groups illustrated as a Venn Diagram

… because who doesn’t love a good Venn Diagram? CAA is committed to focusing on just one issue, and we avoid taking stances on other issues. Sometimes people question why, and I often see calls among the greater animal rights/social justice world for a multi-issue movement. There are lots problem with any multi-issue group, and the bigger your scope the bigger the problems. For example, what are your goals, what are your strategies?

Cross-posting from Movable Type to use Perl

If you’re seeing this on use Perl then the cross-poster is working. You can get it from my svn. You’ll also need to install WWW::UsePerl::Journal, which I monkey patch like crazy in the plugin. I have submitted patches to barbie, though, so hopefully that’ll go away in the future. The plugin isn’t too smart, so if you save the same entry it’ll re-crosspost each time. Patches welcome, of course.

New Moose Docs Aim to Answer “What is Moose?” and “Why Moose?”

Not so long ago I joined the Moose core team, and I recently shepherded a rather big Class::MOP (0.65) and Moose (0.56) release. Soon after there was an interesting thread on the Perl AppEngine list asking Why Moose. This is a perfectly good question. I realized that when you look at the Moose docs, it doesn’t really explain how it is conceptually different from any other Perl 5 OO helper module, nor does it really do much to show you exactly how Moose saves you work.

Substituting Volunteer Labor for Money

Lately, I’ve been thinking a bit about how at Compassionate Action for Animals we often substitute volunteer labor for money. I think this is fundamental for any activist organization, and learning how to exploit this dynamic is a key to success. I’m thinking specifically of the conference we just put on. We got a lot of food donations. We served breakfast and lunch for two days to around 180 people. Amazingly, we were able to do this for a mere $9.


No, unfortunately not the programming kind. Those I can deal with. No, these are in my house, but mostly my home office, keeps getting full of these weird bugs. I think they’re Chinch Bugs, though my friend John swears he’s seen them before and they’re something else. Either way, it’s very annoying. They don’t bite or sting, but I just don’t like bugs. What’s even more disturbing is the vast hordes of them I can see out the windows.

Vegetarianism and global warming

This was originally posted on the Voices of CAA Blog, which got fatally dismembered in a CMS upgrade. There’s been a lot of news about vegetarianism and global warming. The New York Times recently reported : The biggest animal rights groups do not always overlap in their missions, but now they have coalesced around a message that eating meat is worse for the environment than driving. They and smaller groups have started advertising campaigns that try to equate vegetarianism with curbing greenhouse gases.

AR2007 Thoughts – The Bad

This was originally posted on the Voices of CAA Blog, which got fatally dismembered in a CMS upgrade. In my last post, AR2007 Thoughts - The Good, I discussed the things I liked about the conference. Now I’ll reveal my cranky side. “Reveal” probably isn’t the right word though, since it’s not exactly hidden. The Bad The bad part of the conference was basically the “official” stuff. The conference could be better organized in a number of ways.

AR2007 Thoughts – The Good

This was originally posted on the Voices of CAA Blog, which got fatally dismembered in a CMS upgrade. I got back from AR2007 late last night, and I’m brimming with thoughts on the conference, animal rights, and activism. I’ll be writing more on this over the next couple days, but I’ll start with my thoughts on the conference. The Good The best thing about the conference was meeting people (the “hallway track”).


This was originally posted on the Voices of CAA Blog, which got fatally dismembered in a CMS upgrade. I’m at AR2007 here in sunny, smoggy LA, and last night was the opening plenary. I had a lot of thoughts during this session, which at a little over two hours, was way too long for me to focus. I guess I’m a child of video games when it comes to my attention span.

Thoughts on “A New World, Piece by Piece”

This was originally posted on the Voices of CAA Blog, which got fatally dismembered in a CMS upgrade. One of the reasons I wanted to start a CAA blog was because I was inspired by all the great essays that Jack Norris and Matt Ball of Vegan Outreach have written. Their most recent piece is entitled A New World, Piece by Piece, and is well worth reading. By and large, I agree with this essay, and it fits in well with CAA’s mission.